

Become a reading mentor and you can help boost literacy, one child at a time.

访问, socioeconomic level and ability are some of the contributing factors that may lead a child to struggle with reading, but any lag in this essential skill for younger children has far-reaching consequences. 以高中毕业为例. 2019年,美国农业部进行了一项研究 安妮E. 安妮·e·凯西基金会 and they found that students who were not proficient in reading by the end of third grade were four times more likely to drop out of high school than proficient readers. 根据一项研究 国家教育进步评估 in 2019, three districts at grade 4 and eleven districts at grade 8 had score declines in reading compared to 2017.

But t在这里's good news and an immediate way to make a positive impact for kids: mentor reading. Studies show that adult involvement improves not only reading skills and enjoyment but also attitudes about school, 参加课外活动, 展望未来和, 最后, 孩子继续接受教育的机会. Ready to make a difference in your own home and for other children? 试试这些想法:


扫盲导师——部分教练, part cheerleader — can be found in schools and community organizations across the country. 这些志愿者的唯一目标? 帮助孩子学会热爱阅读. 他们是如何做到这一点的. Some may read (and be read to) for an hour a month with one child or a whole class. Some may complete formal training and commit to a weekly reading session that aligns with a specific curriculum.

你的下一步: 搜索 an online volunteer database, such as Neighborhoodofgood.com®, or contact your local school for connections to childhood community literacy programs.


You may have heard of the concept of a food desert: an economically challenged area in which residents have little or no access to fresh food. Some literacy experts have begun to use the idea of a book desert to characterize 缺乏儿童阅读材料. The lack of available children's reading material along with the poverty rate make some neighborhoods ideal spots to fight book deserts.

小型免费图书馆 is a nonprofit organization that promotes neighborhood book exchanges. 超过90,000 public book exchanges are registered with the organization and branded as Little Free Libraries. 和其他公共图书交易所一样, the idea is to take a book to read and leave one for someone else to find.

你的下一步: Struggling schools may not have a volunteer organization that can fund a book distribution plan — but you may be able to. 考虑一下朋友间的图书募捐活动, and work with literacy experts at a school to provide a book to every child in a classroom to take home as his or her own.


School libraries continue to be affected by shrinking public school budgets. Studies have shown the benefit of well-funded libraries. 研究 conducted in dozens of states found a direct link between an 增加图书馆拨款 资源和学生阅读成绩. Exposing children to a range of writing and reading types can help improve language and interest in reading.

你的下一步: Volunteer to organize a book drive to benefit a school in need in your community. Work with your school district's literacy staff to identify particular needs, 问问朋友, 邻居和同事捐赠.

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