

Learn how a special needs trust could help address the lifelong financial needs of a loved one with special needs.

照顾孩子 一生的需求需要一个计划. 一种特殊需要的信任是一种设计方式, direct and provide financial funding to assure your family or loved one is taken care of if you are not able to do so. 又称补充需求信任, this trust is an excellent way to give specific direction for those with disabilities.

This type of trust is a 车辆 designed to set aside assets in order to provide funds for expenses that aren't covered by other programs. 这些计划旨在提供基本需求, 比如食物, 服装, 医疗和住所. Assets inside the trust can also be used for the supplemental needs such as, 教育, 运输, 娱乐, travel and out-of-pocket medical and personal care expenses.


Designing and implementing a program for a special needs individual takes a team of professionals. A guardian to oversee the physical and emotional well-being of the individual, a 受托人管理基金, and a qualified special needs attorney to help navigate the process of collecting and filing vital documents.

你的 国营农场® 代理 and a financial professional can help build a program that works for you. And be sure to consult your tax and legal adviser regarding your situation.

  1. 家长(授予人)实施特殊需要信托. The first step is to get an attorney who is experienced in special needs planning and disability trust funds. Their knowledge and guidance is invaluable in what can and can't be done.
  2. 资助信托基金. Funding can be done through lifetime gifts of most anything of value, or the 人寿pp王者电子官网的使用. 专业涉及: 
    • 在赠予方面经验丰富的合格税务顾问 
    • 人寿pp王者电子官网代理人.
  3. 管理信托. A trust can be administered by a person or institution acting as a trustee. 专业涉及: 
    • An attorney qualified in special needs planning and/or a qualified tax-adviser.


Once established, anyone can contribute money or assets to the trust. 通常,特殊需求信托基金是通过 人寿pp王者电子官网的使用. 随着时间的推移, 在看护人去世后, it can provide a larger sum of money than making the same premium payments directly to the trust. Any type of policy is eligible, but when parents are the primary caregivers, typically 遗属及万能人寿 使用.

建立信任, 以及信托基金的资金来源, gives you the space to concentrate on additional family and personal priorities, knowing that the lifelong financial needs of the individual with special needs can be addressed.


Understanding special needs trust rules is very important to know what the funds in them can be used for and how best to gift money for them. 在这个假设的情况下, Kate decides to lovingly gift each of her grandchildren $15,当他们21岁的时候. One of Kate's granddaughters has Down syndrome; by directly accepting the gift, the granddaughter's assets may exceed the resource limits defined by Social 安全, 可能会让她没有资格 补充保障收入 (SSI)和医疗福利.

凯特可以做些什么不同的事情? Kate could gift the money to the special needs trust, or she could purchase a 单期寿险 pp王者电子官网单,上面写着信托是所有者 受益人. 随着时间的推移, the guaranteed cash value and dividends (when payable) can be used for the trust's immediate use, or the dividends could purchase paid-up additional insurance to increase the total death benefit payable to the trust

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准备生前遗嘱 & 临终关怀选择

It's not the most pleasant task, but making your preferences known in a living will has to be done.


遗嘱和信托是遗产规划的重要组成部分. 无论你在计划过程中的哪个阶段,都要知道你的选择.


A life annuity may help provide you with a paycheck for the rest of your life.


Creating a special needs financial plan for a loved one requires extra preparation.